
Haileyburiana is a miscellany of things I got up to as President of the Haileybury Society in 2010 - 2011 and random musings on things to do with Haileybury. Whether you are an OH, a current pupil or parent, a teacher or other friend of the school I hope you will find something interesting here. The blog is no longer regularly updated, but there may still be occasional posts.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The end of term reports arrived today. Or rather an e-mail arrived to say they can be found on the 'Parent Portal' of the school website. It seems a world away when the little booklets of reports came by post at the end of each term. As a child I never imagined that the purpose of the Master reading all the reports was as much to check up on the staff as it was on me. One Summer term I received a report which I hardly noted at the time, except for its brevity. Scrawled across the center of the page in purple felt tip pen it said simply 'A fair term's work,' and the initials of the Beak. Years later I discovered that this was a final act of rebellion by a man who was retiring. He handed in his reports after it was too late to do anything about it and they all had to go out as they were. I was told they all said the same! I may still have it somewhere and if it turns up in our impending move I shall scan it and put it up.

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