
Haileyburiana is a miscellany of things I got up to as President of the Haileybury Society in 2010 - 2011 and random musings on things to do with Haileybury. Whether you are an OH, a current pupil or parent, a teacher or other friend of the school I hope you will find something interesting here. The blog is no longer regularly updated, but there may still be occasional posts.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lift Up Your Hearts

I was at Marlborough today to give a talk entitled "Speaking in Many Tongues" on the work of my former parish, S Mary's Tottenham, which was founded as the Marlborough College Mission. It was all booked before I knew I would by now have moved, and was part of a day organized by the Old Marlburian Club for OM clergy and their spouses, Clergy who are parents of children at the school and others who work for the church in other ways. We all had a very jolly time, and it is an idea I would like to copy for Haileybury.

Marlborough College Chapel

The themes of service to neighbour and community came up time and time again, notably in Bishop Tom Butler's sermon at the Eucharist with which the day kicked off and in the talk on The Principles of Christian Education by The Rev'd Douglas Dales, chaplain to the College.

I discovered in researching the history of S Mary's that on occasion Haileyburians had come to help with the work of the Mission. After one such visit in which Haileyburians provided an entertainment in one of the Mission Rooms (what this consisted of is not recorded), the editorial of the Marlburian for November 1885 commented:

“That an OM should do all in his power to help any work that has been undertaken by Marlborough is fortunately no new thing; but that in such matters active sympathy should be shown by one Public School towards another is not quite so common. May it in the future become more common, and may the good feeling between Marlborough and Haileybury, of which the Rev’d E. F. Noel Smith [OM, first Vicar] spoke at the end of the entertainment, ever grow to the benefit of both schools.” 

Our Service must be open and transcend the boundaries we tend to fix round things. It is so easy to think we are being generous and offering ourselves to others when in fact we are working well within the comfort zone. Lent is an opportunity to break down the boundaries we put about our generosity, by fasting from our insularity. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Doors

The huge doors at the Porters' Lodge have been renewed. The old ones had begun to rot and the decision was taken to replace them wholesale. It has been a huge job. The massive original hinges were retained, but the changes of weight meant that the lintels shifted slightly. In the picture you can just see at the bottom of the left door where the stonework has cracked and is being reset. Then of course even hardwood will swell slightly when brought out into the open and they had to be planed to fit. An easy enough job on a normal sized external door but for these a huge undertaking.

I asked the Bursar if he knows whether the doors had ever had to be renwed before. He did not know. Possibly the old ones were the 18th century originals.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Arthurian League

A few weeks ago I was up at Haileybury to watch no 1 son putting his life on the line for the school in goal for the Yearlings B hockey side when I bumped into the General Secretary who sent me off to Quitchells to watch some football. There was a small notice on the post at the field entrance which read 'parking for OH Football." The OH Football team was playing in the Athurian League. This is a football league for alumni teams. At the match I saw, Haileybury were winning. The team is now sitting at the top of division 1 and must hope for promotion to the premier league at the end of the season.