
Haileyburiana is a miscellany of things I got up to as President of the Haileybury Society in 2010 - 2011 and random musings on things to do with Haileybury. Whether you are an OH, a current pupil or parent, a teacher or other friend of the school I hope you will find something interesting here. The blog is no longer regularly updated, but there may still be occasional posts.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Sanitary condition of Haileybury College

The quality of water at Haileybury was the subject of lengthy correspondence in the British Medical Journal of 1888. The reserved frisson of Victorian insult flew across the pages of that professional journal: 

"Sir, you state in your comments of Dr Stevenson's last analysis of the well-water ... that you have no desire to impugn the quality of the Haileybury water. Your sincerity will allow me space to point out that in the course of those comments you do indeed "impugn"it - unfoundedly I venture to think - through misapprehension and incorrect statement of actual facts, and consequent confusion of the inference drawn from them." 

Despite the detailed refutation of the assertion that the water was bad a solution (no pun intended!) was found by setting up the water tower; one on the Heath and one on the corner of the Quad between Red House and the Lawrence Housemaster's House. 

Now the mains bring fresh water, and the water tower in the College grounds is long gone. But you can share a little piece of Haileybury history if you have just over £1/2m to spare to buy the water tower on the Heath as your new home

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