
Haileyburiana is a miscellany of things I got up to as President of the Haileybury Society in 2010 - 2011 and random musings on things to do with Haileybury. Whether you are an OH, a current pupil or parent, a teacher or other friend of the school I hope you will find something interesting here. The blog is no longer regularly updated, but there may still be occasional posts.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Getting Started

There is a story of a new young Master arriving to teach at Haileybury sometime in the early part of the last century. He went into breakfast and took his place at the junior end of the vast Common Room table. The man next to him lowered his paper and growled: "Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, I say 'Good morning' to you; Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays, you say 'Good morning' to me. Sundays, nobody speaks." Haileybury is so different these days: Masters are Teachers; Haileyburians are as likely to be girls as boys; there is even a move, fiercely resisted by the youngest pupils - who nowadays are just 11 - to call the San the "Health Centre."

The Haileybury Society links the generations. Those who like me are old enough to have children at the school are linked with generations who remember all too well the days when Masters had rules about morning greetings and through the Society we are linked with some who have only just arrived in Lower School - and maybe brothers and sisters yet to arrive. It is a great thing to be part of.

When I was asked if I would be willing to become President Elect of the Haileybury Society my ghast was flabbered. I resolved that if I was to take it on I would like to try and bring a couple things to the role. One is this blog. Reunions and events can be reported pretty much immediately. I have also been gathering anecdotes about the school and OHs in the hope that some of them might be of interest to the Haileybury community. Overall it would be splendid to try to link the generations through the thing which unites us all - the shared link with the place a now largely un-sung song calls "The fine old school beneath the dome."

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